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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Biography and Autobiography

A biography is a written story of a person's life. Autobiography is a person's story written by themselves.

Now read Giovana's biography poem. 

Kind, funny, hard-working, loving
Sister of None...
Lover of Computers, Friends, and Rock Songs
Who feels excited on the first day of school, sad when she watches bad news, and happy to make my scrapbook
Who needs people, photos, and computers
Who gives help to friends, smiles to her boyfriend, and e-mails to mother and friends
Who fears war, hunger, and family member deaths
Who would like to visit Italy,The USA , and her whole country
Resident of Maringa


I love my dog!
He is not only a dog!
He is everything to me!!
His name is Caco!

Written by Zulma

Me...your real friend

I am life You are Life We are Life
Some people can say life sucks
while others can say life is beautiful
or still life is full of surprises is...we know
Life is not easy
and it will never be.
but can remember you have some friends
and one of them is ME 

Written by Zulma

My Bio Poem

Happy, friendly, caring, and good-hearted
Sister of Ozania, Raquel, Sergio and Carlos
Lover of reading, school and TV shows
Who feels sadness, love, and joy
Who fears gossip, betraying, and deseases
Who would like to come back to New York, Princeton, and Philadelphia
Who lives in Paranavai, Parana

Atividade: Como construir seu Bio Poem

Line 1: Your first name)
Line 2: Four adjectives about you)
Line 3: Brother of or Sister of (Their names )
Line 4: Lover of (three different things that you love)
Line 5: Who feels (three different feelings)
Line 6: Who fears (three different fears you have)
Line 7: Who would like to see (three different things you would like to see)
Line 8: Who lives (a brief description of where you live)
Line 9: (Your last name)