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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hello Students!!! Let's sing this song: Always Together by Bêca Arruda

Every Life Has a Story!!!

Você costuma ouvir músicas com frequência? Qual seu estilo preferido?
O título da "song" é "Always Together. O que você espera encontrar nesta composição? Liste abaixo algumas palavras que você espera encontrar na música.

First let's listen to  the song and then sing it


Answer the questions about the song.

a) Na sua opinião, esta música é um gênero textual? Por quê?
b) Quem a escreveu?

c) Qual é o seu assunto?

d) Qual o papel social que esta canção apresenta?

e) Como o autor aborda o sentimento de “união”?

f) Que tipo de público o texto objetiva atingir?

g) A canção de Bêca Arruda, cantada por ele, faz referência a alguns questões sociais, por exemplo, moradia, educação, trabalho etc. Quais conceitos estão presentes na citação destas questões? Comente e argumente.

Let's talk about the Virtual World

1) Você tem acesso à internet e com qual frequência? ( De onde? Escola, casa, trabalho, lan houses etc)

2) Quais seus conhecimentos em informática? Assinale.

( ) Navego na Internet sem problemas

( ) Consigo baixar arquivos da Internet para meu computador

( ) Envio e-mails

( ) Anexo e abro mensagens em anexo de e-mails

( ) Trabalho com programas de edição de textos como Word

( ) Participo de redes sociais, por exemplo, orkut, facebook, tweeter, etc

( ) Uso MSN

( ) Navego em salas de bate-papo

3) Onde e quem tem acesso a internet? Quem gosta de se comunicar virtualmente? Quem porventura não sabe usar o computador, etc. ?

4) Conhecem e gostam de sites de relacionamento? Por exemplo: Vox Namoro, Tagged etc.

5) Quais são os pontos positivos e negativos dos sites de relacionamento, afinal comunicamos com pessoas desconhecidas?

6) Complete o perfil e sorteie para um apresentar o outro. Ainda, através de pistas, o grupo adivinha de quem é o perfil. Cole no caderno.

7) Formem grupos. Já com o texto em mãos, cada aluno do grupo, passe os olhos pelo o blog impresso e observe as imagens, títulos , palavras cognatas e conhecidas, etc para saber quais os aspectos que cada um de vocês precisa para produção na avaliação final do projeto. Lembrem-se das estratégias de leitura.

8) Voltem ao texto e grifem as palavras cognatas, conhecidas, repetidas.

9) Releiam agora com mais atenção e respondam as questões a seguir:

a) Quem escreveu este gênero textual?

b) Com que finalidade? (o porquê de sua produção)

c) Onde?

d) Quando?

e) Como?

f) Com base em que informações?

g) Quem lê esse gênero? (quem são os interlocutores na interação discursiva)

h) Onde circula? (em qual suporte este gênero circula)

i) Qual é o assunto/temática do blog?

j) É interessante a temática? Por quê? Explique.

k) As imagens estão de acordo com o assunto abordado?

l) Na sua opinião, se você fosse o blogueiro (autor) do blog, o que mudaria e não?

Por quê? Comente.

m) A linguagem utilizada na escrita dificultou o seu entendimento sobre o assunto do blog? Explique.

Let’s go to Computer Lab to access the Blog My CEEBJA’S Students

Passem os olhos pelo Blog e conversem sobre o autor, as imagens, o assunto, enfim...sobre a página aberta. Observem que há alguns gêneros textuais.
Não se esqueçam das estratégias de leitura durante a realização das atividades. Além disso, saibam que estarei ao lado de vocês, mediando e dando suporte para que sintam seguros em relação à leitura dos textos

Click on this link: and answer the following questions.


1) What is a blog?

2) Traditionally, blogs were used as something like an online diary. But now How are blogs used? Give some examples about them.

3) What good is a blog to you?



Your stories, written by you in your blog with your mannerisms, will leave deep roots for future generations.
A short Biography shares your history, your life and your wisdom with your family, forever. I, zulma, am honored in order to help you to create your short Autobiography. Besides you also will create a short bio about your family member that you love and admire a lot.

My Autobiography
My full name is Zulma Helena Andrade de Aguiar. I am so happy that you are here. Please allow me to tell you a bit about myself. First of all, I was born on February 11, 1954 in Jandaia do Sul. I grow up in many places such as Nova Londrina, Engenheiro Beltrão, Maringá etc. But today I live in Paranavai . I am a single woman...and I have no kids. I have a dog named Caco, and he is my baby. I graduated from FAFIPA College of Paranavai where I earned a Bachelor of LETRAS ( Portuguese and English languages). But before being a teacher I worked in Itau Bank and also had another kinds of jobs. I have been working at school CEEBJA about 17th year of teaching for Adult and young students. I actually love my occupation and my students.

Sample Autobiography

Here is a short example of autobiography ideas and topics to include:

Full name.........................................................My full name is Zulma Helena Andrade de Aguiar.

When you were born........................................I was born on February 11, 1954.

Where you were born.......................................I was born in Jandaia do Sul, state of Parana.

Your parents names..........................................My parents names are João and Idê.

How many brothers and sisters you have...........I have two sisters and two brothers.

Your hair and eye color....................................I have brown hair and my eyes are brown

Do you wear glasses? Yes or No.............. .......I do not need to wear glasses all the time.

I am near sighted and I only have to wear my glasses if I have to read anything.

Redija um parágrafo bem estruturado comentando as pistas textuais que permitem ao leitor classificar o texto como pertencente ao gênero textual “autobiografia”.


Born: October 1945

Birthplace: Vargem Grande, Brazil

Best Known As: President of Brazil, 2002-present

Luis Inacio "Lula" da Silva was elected president of Brazil in 2002. He was a populist left-wing candidate, leading a coalition of parties behind the banner of the Partidos Trabalhadores (PT, or Labor Party). Da Silva was born into poverty and trained as a metalworker, gradually becoming active in the Metalworker's Union. He was elected president of the union in 1975. He was a prominent labor spokesman during a series of strikes (1978-81) and became a co-founder of the PT. He was elected to the country's House of Representatives in 1986 and in 1990 made his first of three unsuccessful runs at the presidency. Lula was finally elected in 2002 on a platform of economic and political reform, promising especially to attack hunger in Brazil. He ran for reelection in 2006; despite a corruption scandal that tarnished his reputation as a reformer, he beat challenger Geraldo Alckmin in October of 2006 for a second term.
He legally adopted the nickname Lula in 1982; the name, a play on his first name of Luis, means "squid" in Portuguese.
Fonte: (biographies about President Lula)

As características deste texto podem ser associadas ao gênero textual biografia. Explique.

Bio Poems

Giovana's Bio Poem

Kind, funny, hard-working, loving
Sister of None...
Lover of Computers, Friends, and Rock Songs
Who feels excited on the first day of school, sad when she watches bad news, and happy to make my scrapbook
Who needs people, photos, and computers
Who gives help to friends, smiles to her boyfriend, and e-mails to her mother and friends
Who fears war, hunger, and family member deaths
Who would like to visit Italy,The USA , and her whole country
Resident of Maringa

My Bio Poem

Happy, friendly, caring, and good-hearted
Sister of Ozania, Raquel, Sergio and Carlos
Lover of reading, school and TV shows
Who feels sadness, love, and joy
Who fears gossip, betraying, and deseases
Who would like to come back to New York, Princeton, and Philadelphia
Who lives in Paranavai, Parana

Atividade: Como construir seu Bio Poem

Line 1: Your first name)
Line 2: Four adjectives about you)
Line 3: Brother of or Sister of (Their names )
Line 4: Lover of (three different things that you love)
Line 5: Who feels (three different feelings)
Line 6: Who fears (three different fears you have)
Line 7: Who would like to see (three different things you would like to see)
Line 8: Who lives (a brief description of where you live)
Line 9: (Your last name)


What is an acrostic poem?

An acrostic poem, sometimes called a name poem, uses a word for its subject. Then each line of the poem begins with a letter from the subject word. This type of poetry doesn't have to rhyme.

Here's an example using the word school:

School is where I go
Computers, spirals, books, and more
Homework every day
On math, science, reading, and social studies
Our class does lots of fun projects
Learning never stops

How do I write an acrostic poem?
For your first try, you might want to use your first name as your subject word.

1.Write the subject of your poem vertically (up and down)on a piece of paper.

2. Brainstorm a list of words/ideas to include in the poem. Think of any words that might go with your subject word. Don't try to only think of words that begin with the letters in your subject word, list anything you think of. You can make the words/ideas fit later.

3. Look through the list of words/ideas. Begin to decide how they might fit into the poem. **Often a word you want to put into the poem doesn't begin with the letters found in the subject word. Think how that word could be put into a sentence that begins with a letter from the subject word. Here's an example from the school poem:

4. Work through all the letters of your subject word until you have created a line for each letter. Sometimes this can be tough. The first idea isn't always the best. You may need to think of some new words that describe your subject word to complete your poem.



a. Definition

"The term" family "is derived from the Latin" famulus "which means" household slave ". This term was coined in ancient Rome to appoint a new social group that emerged among the Latin tribes, to be made to agriculture and also legalized slavery.
IBGE for the definition of family is:

"A group of people bound by ties of kinship, dependency or domestic standards of living, all residents in the same house."

The Statute of the Child and Adolescent ACE (Act 9069 of 1990), in its Article 4, in the preliminary provisions, lists the family as the first pillars of social responsibility and duties to be with child and adolescent.

b. Family structures

Reflecting the cultural and social transformations, today, the family presents itself heterogeneous and changeable, assuming various forms of structuring. It is necessary to demystify the idealization of a given family structure as the "natural", opening the way for the recognition of the diversity of family organizations in the historical context, social and cultural.
According to Alberto Eiguer, French psychoanalyst, a family group may take the following structures:

the Conjugal Nuclear - consisting of a man, a woman and her children.

the Nuclear-Parent - parents only because of social phenomena like divorce, death, abandonment of home or even adoption of children by one person;

the extended family or kin - is the nuclear family more direct or collateral relatives.

The Family community alternatives - in which the role of parents is decentralized, and children become the responsibility of all adult members;

the alternative gay families - where there is a partnership between two persons of the same sex, which may include biological children or adopted children of one or both partners.